K'chai Tia

Tailor - Dancer - Socialite

A skilled Miqo'te in the arts of dance and sewing. Shrouded in mystery with manner and style.


Name : K'chai Tia
Race : Miqo'te - Seeker of the Sun
Sexuality : Homosexual
Relationship Status : Taken - Laharen
Gender : Male
Occupation : Tailor, Dancer and Socialite
Age : 26
Aether Aspect : Fire
Server : Crystal - Balmung
Noticeable features: The distinct body markings on his arms, upper chest and back in twirls of patterns and has kept this up since he first wore it. Built quite small in stature.


Early lifeBeing born into the Hipparion tribe.
Ever since he was young, he has a interest in tribal politics, a interest in fabrics and more creative and crafting focus compared to the hunting and aspects of fighting - trying to avoid such conflicts as much as he can.
Early life still in WIP
Leaving his tribe behind and weaving his own pathK'chai when he came of age he decided to leave his tribe. He had no goal no ambition, nothing that he had thought of. He just wanted to explore and see where that would take him.
After exploring what he could he settled into Ul'dah, finding himself drawn to the markets. A sheet of fabric caught his eye one day as he strolled past, filled with colours, patterns and more he just needed to know how to use it to make some clothing. After that day he found himself signing up to the weavers guild, learning all he could to be the best tailor he could be. Whilst still rusty and no means an expert he still took pride in what he created and managed to sell some of his works off to shop-keepers willing to buy them.

About (2)

Smooth dancingWhilst on his explorations and adventures for finding the highest quality materials, K'chai stumbled upon some streets performers. Whist he loved using fabrics to create garmets for customers and those who asked. He found himself in awe at the dancers performing and being young he jumped in at the chance, whilst they taught him slowly the ways of being a street performer and the art of dance, K'chai would and create new and exciting outfits for his new friends in exchange for learning about this art he just so happened to stumble past.Over-time K'chai would be allowed to appear and dance alongside his fellow dancers, street performers whilst also being able to travel and explore. On his free time he would explore vast amounts of land, taking in the sights.Eventually the time came for K'chai to leave the group, whilst he would often still tailor outfits for his group of fellow dancers, he wanted to move on from street performances and find a place that he can call his 'home'.Reminiscing of the PastWhen he left the dance troop that had been there for him and taught him so much during his travels, his mind would always wonder towards his past and tribal life, having thoughts of re-connecting with his tribal links.Working non-stopK'chai over time mastered his skills in dance and being a tailor. Finding his spare time travelling to Ul'dah and tutoring from the weavers guild. Not missing a chance to learn new skills.With this new knowledge he would make outfits for himself and his fellow troupe members for their dances. Finding himself in love with the art, he made the decision to every so often sell some of his works to fianance his main goal. Open a small shop.Though this took time, he would find himself working at bars either as a dancer or learning a new skill - mixology. He would spend some years at different clubs and bars to earn some money for himself to start a small business. As well as other means of earning gil... though he would prefer to keep that quiet.


Maybe you have seen on the noticeboards about a new shop opening or have seen seen some of his works around?
Known around for when he was in the troope as a dancer and when he was young he prevailed in the trials of becoming a fire dancer for his tribe. Could it be possible that you have seen him from the corner of your eye?
Pubs & Bars
K'chai often likes to have a good drink to relax, he likes to frequent a few bars for the social interaction and well that sweet wine!


Hey I am 26 from the UK! Thanks for reading my carrd!
So I am mainly on during EU hours however, depending on if I have holiday or days off I will creep into NA - EST, etc. I tend ask that you are 18+ just so there's that level of maturity when Rping difficult scenarios.
I am seeking to build good meaningful friendships outside of game and my own work life. Generally looking for long term rp but can be online in spurts due to work but give me a message and we can discuss.Discord: redonklez


A character will only be added to this section after multiple interactions
in which a consistent plotline is developed unless otherwise discussed.

☑ Positive • ☐ Neutral • ☒ Negative
✦ Family • ※ Rival • ☣ Enemy • ★ Friend • ♥ Romance
❣ Casual Partner • 𓍝 Business • ☠ Deceased • ⚜ Status Unknown

K'lyhhia Jiyeh

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A warm bond was held between the pair when K'chai was born. K'chai always spent time with his mother when he could. He taught her the basics of sewing and watched him become one the his tribes fire dancers. However since leaving the tribe he has not heard about her fate.

K'Odh Nunh

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A less warm bond with his father. A bond that was fragile the moment K'chai expressed he wanted to be a fire dancer and was more keen on learning about sewing, dancing and other things instead of hunting. The pair haven't spoke since K'chai left. Unsure of his own fate.

K'shtah Nunh

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The brothers would run around playing when they were little though K'shtah could be a bit rough with K'chai at times leading to their mother and elders scoulding K'shtah. K'shtah was there when his brother was appointed as a fire dancer and supported him leaving to explore the world beyond their tribes territory.

K'yalwann Odh

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K'chai regards his sister in high regards. They always were gentle and she looked after him when he got into any trouble. Along with their mother cheered on as K'chai was appointed as a Fire Dancer. K'yalwann was sadden when K'chai left, though she regarded her duties to her tribe more important at a fragile time. K'chai does not know of her fate.

Rekih Lesnemi

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A pairing doomed to end in disaster as they met whilst K'chai was dancing with his troope. They would talk after the first performance, sightsee and became a item after a few small adventures together... however it wasn't to last. Rekih would bring other men when he met K'chai, spending time with them and showering them with affection. Rekih broke it off with K'chai for one of his flings one time, leaving K'chai heartbroken.. lost.. alone in the rain. Though a far worse fate happened to Rekih...

Laharen Thamashi

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The pair met in quite unique circumstances with Laharen being injured. The pair have grown quite fond of each other. K'chai finding out what Laharen truly is and what he does, only made him accept him more. K'chai considers him to be quite close and would do anything to protect and please him.

Laharen & K'chai

Lovers from two different paths intertwined

A section regarding the pairs story in more detail with added screenshots.

Laharen and K’chai met on the offchance - really by chance. Laharen thought K’chai looked familiar before K’chai noticed his wounds, offering to take him to Laharen’s place to get sorted and keep him company if anything happened. The pair went off. A truth was revealed. A secret told. Lastly a dance.
They met down Pearl Lane once more spending an evening together where they talked about their past and the future… cuddling the pair arranged a date for them to go to. K’chai met some of Laharen’s “friends” in the meantime.
Later becoming partners..boyfriends..lovers. The pair spent many days together. Their date next to a fire and a tent. Gifts being given to the dancing tailor. It was by all accounts the perfect way to spend time together.. though the evening in the bath house was described as a night full of affection and passion.
K'chai allowed his boyfriend into his workshop and home. It was quite a step for him.. no one as close as Laharen was had been to his living area before.. notes all over.. a notebook full of entries about their time together.. he was shy that Laharen would leave him. Instead it bonded them closer together.
Days and days spent together at K'chai's - spent at the fire, bedroom and his bathroom. Though a moment that stuck to K'chai was when Laharen asked to stay over and he handed over his spare key to Laharen.. a bold move for the small Miqo'te. In that time the pair seemed to bond even closer.
Another date that K'chai attended with his love. Being treated to a meal with his favourite wine and his love.. though they walked through Kugane cherishing the moment another gift bestowed on the small Miqo'te and lastly to spend time in nature though they ended up cuddling each other and opening up to one another.
When Laharen asked if K'chai wanted him to be bound to him.. he was smitten at the idea though did not want to force Laharen into something he did not want to do. After the pair explained their sides they agreed. K'chai has always regarding Laharen as his only one though their connection seemed to be deeper and had grown.